Mushing–Alaska Style: First Training Run of Summer

June 13, 2011

Alaska, Daily Post, Robert Forto

After a quick two month break we are back on the trails again. In these short 2 or 3 mile runs on the dirt roads we will be training the Deadwood pups (a whole litter named after the HBO series: Alma, Jewel, Ellsworth, Wu, Swidgeon, Joanie and Sophia) to run in lead. It was the first run with my son, Tyler up in Alaska and I appreciate the extra hand. He has a lot to learn the summer to become a musher.

Run went well. Tried Swidegon in lead for a bit and he wanted to pull over towards the water puddles and a man walking his dog. Work to do!

Follow us on the trail at !

Robert Forto | Team Ineka | Alaska Dog Works | Mushing Radio | Dog Works Radio | Denver Dog Works

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About robertforto

Robert Forto is the owner of Dog Works Training Company in Alaska, a canine behaviorist, mushin' down a dream, sports nut and radio show host. Robert writes a lot about his observations in Alaska, pop culture, music, and of course dogs!

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47 Comments on “Mushing–Alaska Style: First Training Run of Summer”

  1. Just Ramblin' Pier Says:

    Interesting photos and video. I have always wondered about how mushers prepare their pups for the Iditarod.


  2. Mikalee Byerman Says:

    How cool is that? 🙂

    Interesting post — never think about the summer training schedule. Very fun…


  3. Grant Says:

    Check this out guys… fan page by Lethal Len Productions. Need a website, graphics, etc.? This is where you need to go.


  4. Jennifer Avventura Says:

    Alaska is on my To-Do list, and I must give Mushing a try, it looks like so much fun! Congrats on Freshly Pressed.


  5. Eva McCane Says:

    i’m not a fan of cold, but for some reason mushing always appealed to me. seems fun and adventurous. would love to try it sometime!


  6. BIANZONE, learning together Says:

    video image that is interesting, thank you share your story in your blog, I now can feel the beauty of living in Alaska


  7. Lonnie Says:

    Great post! I visited Alaska during the summer a few years ago and loved. Looking forward to returning during the Iditarod.

    Big congratulations on being Freshly Pressed!


  8. anonnickus Says:

    When I was a teenager I was a fan of Three Dog Night. I still am. In a different vein I can’t even imagine an eight or ten dog night. I have a friend that mushes. I am sure that you like he march to a different tune than me. That I respect in anyone. Nice post and pics and all the luck in the world to you in 2013


  9. hiit Says:

    I allways wanted to try this


  10. ournote2self Says:

    Looks amazing! That’s something I’d love to do one day. 🙂


  11. blogsensebybarb Says:

    omg … I had this wonderful flashback when I saw the first picture. Ah … 30 some odd years ago I was stationed at Ft Greeley … Got out and stayed there for a few years. I had 22 dogs at one time and ran a team almost everyday – even if it was just to the grocery store! haha Thanks for the memories! 🙂


    • robertforto Says:

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! I used to take my dog team to the little mom and pop grocery store in Minnesota when I lived there. Too much snow to justify driving.



  12. travelluggageplushandbags Says:

    Great information…loved the video. Looks like your training paid off. We love traveling to Alaska, our daughter lived for several years. We rented a motor home and toured at our leisure. Great pix too.


    • robertforto Says:

      Thanks for taking the time to comment, read and watch my little video. Alaska is a great place. I have been here less than a year so I havent seen a lot of it yet.



  13. tipotado Says:

    Nice dogs, I’ve been an owner myself but never knew how to train it to the basics like peeing at the right place. Do you have any tip for me?


    • robertforto Says:

      In regards to training the dogs to relieve themselves on command while running in a team, I havent seen that happen. Usually we break every couple hours for a snack and a “good dog” and they do it then.

      Thanks for the comment.



  14. sketchjay Says:

    What a great post! I am going to follow your training it is really exciting.


  15. abhi Says:

    great post. Amazing dogs.I wonder how you trained them.


  16. mkeeffer Says:

    Like the dogs’ enthusiasm!


  17. 7des7iny Says:

    mmm, canine route march 🙂


  18. pollyman90 Says:

    That looks so beautiful! Absolutely fantastic blog! I love dogs!


  19. SimpleP Says:

    Great post! What an exciting and unique life you share. Looking forward to following your journey and interests.


  20. creativeconfessions Says:

    Very interesting; what a great post!


  21. sağlık Says:

    🙂 thanks super


  22. Says:

    nature pic.Ihave dogs too



  1. Freshly pressed, hopes and dreams… | Robert Forto - June 16, 2011

    […] Read: Mushing Alaska Style: First Training Run of the Summer […]

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